Hi, I'm Ollie Grove!

I'm looking for a Front End Web Developer job in the Pacific Northwest.


Unplugged Retreat Project

Unplugged Retreat

A 3-page responsive website from a PhotoShop design comp. This site adapts to mobile, tablet, and desktop screens. Features a Google Map integration.

Skills: CSS3, Flexbox, HTML5, Media Queries, Responsive Typography

Tools: GitHub, Photoshop, Visual Studio Code

live page
Guess the Word Game

Guess the Word Game

A word guessing game built using Vanilla JavaScript. Players guess the word by entering one letter at a time. If the player guesses all the letters correctly before using their allotted guess, they win!

Skills: Manipulate the DOM, Vanilla JavaScript

Tools: GitHub

live page
GitHub Repo Gallery project

GitHub Repo Gallery

This website pulls my repo data from GitHub to create a gallery of completed projects. You can click on each repo to see more details.

Skills: APIs, Manipulate the DOM

Tools: GitHub

live page
Sticky notes project

Sticky Notes App

An interactive app that lets the user create “sticky notes” on their computer. The user can add as many notes as they'd like, and delete any notes they don't want to keep.

Skills: ES6, JSX, Managing Data Flow, Manipulate the DOM

Tools: CodeSandbox

live page
Rogue Pickings Project

Rogue Pickings

A single-page responsive website from a PhotoShop design comp. Features a menu section, review section, and contact information for a food truck company.

Skills: CSS3, Flexbox, HTML5, Media Queries, Responsive Typography

Tools: GitHub, Visual Studio Code, Photoshop

live page


Developer Skills


Vanilla JavaScript


Responsive Web Development

JSX & React

Git & GitHub

Tech Stack

GitHub Pages

Chrome DevTools

Visual Studio Code

PhotoShop & Gimp


Hi, I'm Ollie.

I love making clean, responsive designs!

As a long-time professional cook and baker, I love to develop new recipes. The perfect brownie recipe took over a year but was so worth it! My recipe writing skills are now being used to design and code websites! HTML is my flour, CSS is my butter, and JavaScript functions are my chocolate chips.

I started coding my MySpace pages when I was 13 with HTML and CSS before I really knew what I was doing! As a child of the internet, I'm constantly amazed by what Devs are able to build with websites and apps. I just completed the Front End Developer Course from Skillcrush, and now I'm looking for a Front End Web Developer job! When I'm not coding, I'm either thinking about food, seeing live music, or playing with my 4 cats!

Looking forward to working with you!